
Showing posts from August, 2018

Varicocele Questions: Easily Lost Erections and Exercising for Military

Thanks for getting in touch. I appreciate the feedback! You're very welcome! Hmm... Okay, let's dig into your questions: 1. You're actually likely just inexperience. Not that you haven't had enough sex, but that it's difficult to know why you lose the erections quickly. For example, many men lose their erections when having sex with a condom on... It's just not the same. You should find a good condom brand that's thinner and the right size for you. A little looser is better. From there, if most of your experience is in masturbating to porn, then it's difficult to get it right with an actual girl. I had the same problem, and so have many of my friends. It's a general problem. You have to learn to enjoy yourself and your partner, focus on being intimate, etc. Not winning a sex show. Not worrying about doing something wrong. But, instead being the man, and taking her. That is a skill. It comes with time. Took me about 5 good years of being sexually ...

How much does it cost for varicocele surgery in India?

Too much. It costs too much to treat variccoele with surgery in India, and USA, and everywhere else. Why? Because you're more likely to suffer from a negative side-effect than get a benefit from surgery (get the facts: ). Why have varicocele surgery when Ayurveda and Yoga asanas are so effective for varicocele home treatment? Here are some great treatments for you: Yoga for Varicocele: Ayurveda for Varicocele:

What is the solution when I still have pain after the surgery of a varicocele testicular?

Well, first you have to see if something is wrong. Sometimes there is an infection, or a serious condition.  This is why you should see your surgeon or doctor first if you are experiencing pain. When you look at varicocele surgery—it’s not considered as effective at treating varicocele pain. So, if you had pain before, you’re likely to continue having pain after. Sometimes, varicocele pain develops after surgery. Surgery is a relatively high risk procedure and developing temporary and permanent pain are a part of the risks you take. It’s odd to note that a surgical procedure can be called “successful” even if you develop permanent pain. It was “successful” at removing the targeted veins, and does not consider any improvements. Actually, surgery isn’t very effective because it ligates (cuts) some of the testicular veins that drain the testicles. This burdens the remaining veins to take up the blood circulation. Really, this form of treatment only makes sense if you assume t...

Is surgery necessary in treating varicocele?

It’s a really clever question to ask:  Is surgery necessary in treating varicocele? I think it’s even more clever to ask:  which is better “surgery or embolization”? I think it’s clever, but, not because you’re asking them. Most people ask these questions, not because they are clever things to ask, but because of clever marketing behind both varicocelectomy (surgery), and embolization (radiology). The marketing behind varicocelectomy says you suffer from “faulty valves”. Go ahead and read the answers here, there is at least one mention of it. But, the fact is that correlation is not a causation, and less than half of men with varicoceles even have faulty valves. But, even the term “faulty valve” itself is misleading, it implies a genetic disorder. But, in my opinion it’s just a very misleading way of saying “your veins can’t circulate the blood properly”. It doesn’t necessarily mean your valves are broken, missing, or genetically faulty; just that they are unable to cir...

Is there any natural treatment for varicocele?

Hey, I’m the author of  The Complete Guide to Natural Healing of Varicocele . I’ll give you guys some good direction for Varicocele Natural Treatment. First, I have to mention that there is no 100% cure for varicocele. Surgery is not a cure. Embolization is not a cure. No medication. No supplements. And not even natural treatments. But, yes, there are  vaircocele natural treatments . Continue reading and I’ll show you how you can get  testicular varicocele treatment without surgery . First, let’s begin with  Varicocele Pain Relief : Can you cure varicocele pain naturally? The answer is yes. Here are 3 helpful treatments for curing varicocele pain: You can learn more about  varicocele pain relief  ← here. Next up: Infertility! Are there  natural treatments for varicocele infertility ? The answer is of course! Have you heard of lifestyle changes? Well, add lifestyle changes and treatments for varicocele toxic blood pooling together and ...

Can a candidate for US Army enlist after having varicocele surgery?

Yes, IF your surgery is successful, then you are likely to be accepted. However, note that your varicocele can redevelop after surgery if you don't maintain lifestyle improvements . There are many risk factors for varicocele, for example, exercising can be a big aggravating risk factor. So, you must ensure to exercise the right way in order to minimize any stress on the varicocele, and maximize the therapeutic benefits. Learn more about how to exercise with varicocele . Other varicocele risk factors include, but are not limited to: Diet Masturbation Bowel / Digestive Health Exercise Type Excessive Sitting (6+ hours/day) Posture Hip tightness & mobility Underwear (Big Risk Factor) and more... Learn more about varicocele lifestyle risk factors . Did you know that you can also perform treatments to improve post-surgery results? Varicocele Health Kit : Herbal supplements can help reduce damage to vein valves and improve venous blood drainage. They also ha...

Can you cure or make varicocele go away at home?

Right now, there is no 100% cure for varicocele (surgery is not a cure either). But,  yes you can treat varicocele and varicocele symptoms at home . I am the author of the  The Complete Guide to Natural Healing of Varicocele , and over the past 6 years have personally helped thousands of clients suffering from varicocele. The reason why I wrote the book was because I too suffered from varicocele and noticed that there was no real alternative to surgery. So, I took it upon myself to find the best solutions! Now, I do  not  claim a cure, but, what is great is that  my treatments actually work and that my clients have gotten very great results in terms of reducing varicocele swelling and pain, and restoring fertility! So, since I am here I will give you guys some great value!  Can you treat varicocele at home?  Yes, there are many controllable varicocele risk factors (I cover them all in the Varicocele Healing Guide, but I will go over a fair amoun...

What is the best advice for a man who is suffering from varicocele veins?

Well,  varicocele  is swollen testicle veins. It is caused by excessive abdominal pressure, poor vein health, and lifestyle risk factors. The best advice is to start now to make lifestyle improvements, and use all the tools that are available to reduce your varicocele at home. Varicocele Risk Factors and Poor Lifestyle: Bowel health Sitting Posture Exercising Dietary risks (wrong food choices) Wrong Supplementation Testicular hyperthermia Poor Underwear etc. Resources for Treating Varicocele: Varicocele Natural Treatment Here are some products that I recommend as well:  More Products Start with one of those those now! Trust me, you will notice improvements almost immediately. Begin now and you’ll notice that varicocele is quite easy to manage and reverse, without the need of surgery.

Varicocele: A guide to treat it without surgery!

Varicocele: A guide to treat it without surgery  (Not Embolization !) Follow these treatments to safely make varicocele go away. Does varicocele go away by itself? Unfortunately, no! Varicocele is a progressive disease and will worsen if you don't treat it now. You need to have urgency and realize that the swelling of the scrotal veins will continue to increase, and symptoms of infertility and pain will likely develop and worsen. The sooner you start your treatment, the better your outcome will be! Treatment with surgical operation: An assessment Varicocele surgery is risky and yields low quality outcomes. Surgery does not treat the root cause of varicocele, and that is why varicocele redevelops, even after ligation of the veins. Here are some important notes on surgery (varicocelectomy): Surgery is high risk (many associated risks!) 1% risk of testicular loss (arterial damage) 1-15%: varicocele reoccuring 1-5%: choronic pain starting where there was none prev...

Varicocele: How to Get Relief from Pain!

Get Relief from Varicocele Pain Try these home treatments and get relief from varicocele pain instantly! Follow these treatments and you can treat your varicocele pain! Cooling Treatment (run cool water over testicles for 30-60 seconds) Do not over-cool your testicles Perform 1-3 times per day, as needed Antioxidants Herbal varicocele health kits  are very helpful for treating varicocele These substances can reduce damage to vein valves and therefore help improve vein blood drainage Circulate Toxic Pool Blood Varicocele pools blood in the testicular portal veins You must circulate the blood on a daily bases!  Try Yoga Inversion Asanas Try Varicocele Supportive Underwear Try those 3 steps to get relief from varicocele pain fast! Really try them now! They will help almost instantly! Learn about the best natural treatments that can help you reduce your varicocele, without the high risks associated with surgical procedures. 

Home Treatments for Varicocele (No Surgery)

Varicocele Home Treatment Varicocele is abnormal enlargement of the scrotal veins (pampiniform plexus). Lifestyle factors like excessive sitting, hip tightness, poor diet, over-heating underwear, etc. are contributing risk factors for varicocele. It is commonly thought that surgery is the only treatment option for varicocele, however, surgery is both high risk and ineffective. Did you know that acupuncture yields similar fertility benefits as surgery? But, acupuncture is much safer than surgery. Did you know that nocturnal scrotal cooling yields similar benefits to surgery? Again, it is also much safer! Did you know that herbal varico health kits can also provide similar results as surgery? Again, much safer! You can treat varicocele at home by following specific lifestyle changes, at-home treatment, and exercises! There are also great tools for varicocele home treatment, including the STUD Varicocele Underwear, Varico Health Kit (Dietary Supplement), and Varicocele Heal...