Varicocele Questions: Easily Lost Erections and Exercising for Military

Thanks for getting in touch. I appreciate the feedback! You're very welcome!

Hmm... Okay, let's dig into your questions:

1. You're actually likely just inexperience. Not that you haven't had enough sex, but that it's difficult to know why you lose the erections quickly. For example, many men lose their erections when having sex with a condom on... It's just not the same. You should find a good condom brand that's thinner and the right size for you. A little looser is better. From there, if most of your experience is in masturbating to porn, then it's difficult to get it right with an actual girl. I had the same problem, and so have many of my friends. It's a general problem. You have to learn to enjoy yourself and your partner, focus on being intimate, etc. Not winning a sex show. Not worrying about doing something wrong. But, instead being the man, and taking her. That is a skill. It comes with time. Took me about 5 good years of being sexually active to figure out. 

2. Yes, you got it! It is true that high exertion activities are higher risk for varicocele. But, there is a lot that you can do to mitigate the effect and make them okay! Pushups are not high risk. Running is not high exertion. So those are easy to manage. Yes, the pre- and post- are very important. I'm adding content to the new edition of the Healing Guide, which I'll give you access to as soon as it's ready:
  • Pre-exercise: No masturbation/sex for minimum 2-3 hours pre-workout, no working out on a full stomach (give minimum 1-2 hour to digest), no exercising when bloated, a cool (not cold) shower before a workout helps
  • During-exercise: No tight belts, pants, or waists, exercise with good technique and posture, promote muscle balance and posture with your workout, no protein shakes or energy drinks during workout, supportive underwear that's also cooling
  • Post-exercise: Stretching & inversions help, a cool shower post-workout is almost mandatory (with minimum 10-15 seconds of cool* (not cold) water running over your testicles
That will help. You don't have to follow all of it, but that's the idea--and they all help, independent of exercise type, be it yoga, squats, running, pushups, pullups, ab exercises, calisthenics, weight lifting, military exercises, etc.

Hey man, what's super is that you've made some really amazing lifestyle changes. Quitting smoking, stopping alcohol, marijuana, and coffees are a really big deal! Really, congratulations on that. That will make a big difference on your health and life quality as well. Congratulations! You the man! It's not everyone that starts to really manage their bad habits. So, really, pat yourself on the back for that. That's a big deal.

Sounds like you're on the right track! Keep up the good work.


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