Varicocele: A guide to treat it without surgery!

Varicocele: A guide to treat it without surgery 

(Not Embolization!)

Follow these treatments to safely make varicocele go away.

varicocele surgery

Does varicocele go away by itself? Unfortunately, no! Varicocele is a progressive disease and will worsen if you don't treat it now. You need to have urgency and realize that the swelling of the scrotal veins will continue to increase, and symptoms of infertility and pain will likely develop and worsen. The sooner you start your treatment, the better your outcome will be!

Treatment with surgical operation: An assessment

Varicocele surgery is risky and yields low quality outcomes. Surgery does not treat the root cause of varicocele, and that is why varicocele redevelops, even after ligation of the veins. Here are some important notes on surgery (varicocelectomy):
  • Surgery is high risk (many associated risks!)
    • 1% risk of testicular loss (arterial damage)
    • 1-15%: varicocele reoccuring
    • 1-5%: choronic pain starting where there was none previously.
    • learn more
  • Only 14% of men who undergo surgery get a fertility benefit
  • Varicocele surgery does not relieve varicocele pain (natural treatments are very quickly effective for pain relief)
  • Ligating testicular veins means less veins to nourish and cool the testicles
Therefore, natural treatments are recommended to avoid surgical risks.

Benefits of non-surgical treatment

  • Avoid risks of anesthesia and surgical complications
  • Safe and effective
  • Treat the root cause of the problem
  • No surgical scar
  • Avoid hospitalization
  • Start recovering right away
  • Attain additional health benefits for virility, fertility, and vitality

natural treatment

The home-treatments that you need to start right now!

You can do a lot to treat varicocele at home. I have provided a good list of treatments you can start with here. Try these tips now and you will be able to reduce varicocele swelling, prevent progression, and cure symptoms.

  • Lifestyle Improvements
  • Herbal Kits
    • Supplements containing natural ingredients like hawthorn, bilberry, horse chestnut, butcher's broom and cayenne are very helpful because they have vein protective properties. Consult your doctor if you want to start with these. 
    • Try the varicocele health kit.
  • Vitamins & Supplements
    • I advise avoiding vitamin C, E, and Zinc, unless directed by a healthcare professional. If you are not deficient in these nutrients, additional supplementation will not yield any benefit. 
  • Dietary Advice
    • Avoid grain products (e.g. no whole grains, no rice, etc.)
    • A diet that promotes digestion and bowel health is critical (treatment for nutcracker effect)
    • Make your veins stronger by hydrating (natural water, ideally without chlorine), having foods high in antioxidants (e.g. citrus fruits, goji, berries, turmeric, etc.)
  • Home Remedies 


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