Varicocele Natural Treatment without Surgery

A varicocele is an abnormal enlargement of the pampiniform venous plexus in the scrotum. This plexus of veins drains the testicles. The testicular blood vessels originate in the abdomen and course down through theinguinal canal as part of the spermatic cord on their way to the testis. A varicocele (VAR-ih-koe-seel) is an enlargement of the veins within the loose bag of skin that holds your testicles (scrotum). A varicocele is similar to a varicose vein that can occur in your leg. Upward flow of blood in the veins is ensured by small one-way valves that prevent backflow. Defective valves, or compression of the vein by a nearby structure, can cause dilatation of the testicular veins near the testis, leading to the formation of a varicocele. Varicocele is known as one of the main causes for male infertility and can be treated by a surgery or non-surgical treatments. Lifestyle factors such as activity type, diet, bowel health, testicular temperature, smoking, and alcohol moderation can effect both the occurrence rate and varicocele symptoms severity.



Potential Complications

Incisional Repair
(Operative 4%)
General: Hypotension, Hypoxia, ArrythmiaBleeding, Arterial ligation, Nerve damageHematoma, Testis atrophy, Hydrocele, Reccurence
Laparoscopic Repair
(Operative 4%)
General (required), Hypotension, Hypoxia, Arrythmia, CO2 Embolus, Acidosis, HypercarbiaVascular injury, Trocar injury (bowel, bladder), Preperitoneal insufflation, Failure at attemptUnrecognized bowel injury, Omental evisceration, Pneumoscrotum, DVT, Recurrence
Radiologic Repair (Overall 10%)Local: MinimalContrast allergy, Vascular allergy, Radiation, Bleeding from vein perforation, Thrombosis of major veins, Failure at attemptHematoma, Coil migration, Hydrocele, Recurrence

Surgical ligation: 
The ultimate goals of varicocele repair should include occlusion of the offending varicosity with high success, preservation of arterial flow to the testis, and the minimization of patient discomfort and morbidity. One of the most common treatments is open surgical ligation. In this procedure, which is typically performed by a urologist, an incision is made in the skin above the scrotum down to the testicular veins, which are tied off with sutures. Although most patients leave the hospital the same day, 24 percent of surgical ligation patients are required to stay at the hospital overnight. Patients of open surgical ligation can expect a two- to three-week recovery period.

Varicocele Natural Treatment Tips

Hydrate Your Body
Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day, because doing this will help your body replenish the lost water, remove unwanted toxins in the body, and improved blood circulation as well.
  • Avoid exposure to environmental toxins – This will help to prevent the sperm from being exposed to fewer toxins which may be present in the blood

Eat Right
  • Eat a whole food fertility diet – Whole foods are catalysts for antioxidants, which protect cells from free radical damage. Remember, sperm are cells.
The first and most effective varicocele natural treatment is to modify your diet. The main goal here is to eat as healthy as you can, to prevent improper blood flow in the body. Furthermore, eating the right foods will help strengthen your veins, which will prevent swelling. Avoid foods that are fattening and high in bad cholesterol. Instead, take in a lot of vegetables, fruits, and foods high in fatty acids like nuts and seafood. Plaque is one of the major causes of vein blocking, and this is acquired through improper and unhealthy diet. You can definitely avoid this by eating right and eating healthy.
  • Antioxidant intake in the diet – Food rich in antioxidants are berries, Goji berries, peppers, dark leafy greens, herbs like Ginkgo biloba.
  • Cod Liver Oil – High in omega 3 essential fatty acids. DHA, one of the fatty acids contained in cod liver oil, has a significant impact on the viability and health of sperm. When there are not enough fatty acids present, cholesterol replaces the needed fatty acid in the sperm membrane. This prevents sperm from proper maturation.
  • L-Carnitine – This amino acid shuttles omegas. L-Carnitine has been shown to help normalize sperm motility in men with low sperm quality. L-Carnitine helps sperm to metabolize fats and sugars for energy.
  • L-Arginine – This amino acid increases natural circulation to the reproductive organs for improved detoxification and to bring oxygenated, nutrient rich blood to the sperm. (Best done post-surgery)
  • Selenium – This mineral is necessary for proper sperm formation. It is easy to get adequate selenium intake by eating 4-5 Brazil nuts a day.
  • Supportive herbs:
    Topically – (apply daily to affected area): Witch hazel (Hamamelis spp.) is sold for topical use at most pharmacies or health food stores, Butcher’s broom (Ruscus aculeatus) strong decoction.
    Internally: Calendula (Calendula officinalis) infusion or tincture daily, Fertilica MH5 – a blend of 5 herbs for improving male fertility and sperm health.
    • Mixed antioxidant blend and CoQ10 Ubiquinol – Antioxidants protect sperm and delicate DNA within the sperm from free radical damage. I like Network Antioxidants and Fertilica Ubiquinol.
  • Wear more supportive underwear, such as boxer briefs, which allow for adequate temperature of the testes, while still providing adequate support. Especially important if discomfort is present. Avoid boxers.
Exercising regularly is also one of the best things that you can do, in order to have a regular blood flow in your body. Your exercise does not need to be heavy and complicated. Actually, a simple 20-minute breeze walking outside is already good enough to pump up your system, burn fat, and have a steady and ideal blood flow.
These are the different varicocele natural treatment tips that I can share with you. Keep in mind that early diagnosis is always the key to achieve quick and possible treatment. Therefore, if you think that you are suffering from the said disorder, do not hesitate to get in touch with your doctor, and have yourself diagnosed. I my article about varicocele natural treatment tips helped you.
Improve Your Lifestyle
If you can stay away from drinking too much alcohol, caffeine, and smoking, this will help you strengthen the walls of your veins in the body (including the one in the scrotum area), and improve the blood flow in your body.


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