Home Treatments for Varicocele (No Surgery)

varicocele treatment kit

Varicocele Home Treatment

Varicocele is abnormal enlargement of the scrotal veins (pampiniform plexus). Lifestyle factors like excessive sitting, hip tightness, poor diet, over-heating underwear, etc. are contributing risk factors for varicocele.

It is commonly thought that surgery is the only treatment option for varicocele, however, surgery is both high risk and ineffective. Did you know that acupuncture yields similar fertility benefits as surgery? But, acupuncture is much safer than surgery. Did you know that nocturnal scrotal cooling yields similar benefits to surgery? Again, it is also much safer! Did you know that herbal varico health kits can also provide similar results as surgery? Again, much safer!

You can treat varicocele at home by following specific lifestyle changes, at-home treatment, and exercises! There are also great tools for varicocele home treatment, including the STUD Varicocele Underwear, Varico Health Kit (Dietary Supplement), and Varicocele Healing Guide (step-by-step home treatment). Access here.

You can get great results by following Yoga inversion asanas, cooling treatments, and specific anti-oxidant treatment. These will help flush out varicocele toxic blood, restore normal testicular function, and help restore vein valve function.

Learn more about varicocele home treatment.

Try those treatments and suggestions and you too will be able to safely treat your varicocele at home, without any need for surgical intervention!


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