What is the solution when I still have pain after the surgery of a varicocele testicular?

Well, first you have to see if something is wrong. Sometimes there is an infection, or a serious condition. This is why you should see your surgeon or doctor first if you are experiencing pain.
When you look at varicocele surgery—it’s not considered as effective at treating varicocele pain. So, if you had pain before, you’re likely to continue having pain after.
Sometimes, varicocele pain develops after surgery. Surgery is a relatively high risk procedure and developing temporary and permanent pain are a part of the risks you take.
It’s odd to note that a surgical procedure can be called “successful” even if you develop permanent pain. It was “successful” at removing the targeted veins, and does not consider any improvements.
Actually, surgery isn’t very effective because it ligates (cuts) some of the testicular veins that drain the testicles. This burdens the remaining veins to take up the blood circulation. Really, this form of treatment only makes sense if you assume that varicocele is caused by faulty veins / vein valves—which is an assumption, and not a fact. Likely lifestyle factors play a major role in varicocele. I think that if you over-rely on surgery and do not correct your lifestyle risk factors, then you’re simply putting yourself at risk for varicocele recurrence, symptom persistence (because surgery “treats” the veins not the reflux), and simply won’t treat your pain or infertility.
So, what can you do about pain after surgery?
Well, as I’ve written in the Varicocele Healing Guide, to get varicocele pain relief, you have to follow 3 steps (yes, these steps also apply to post-surgery pain):
  1. Cool: Keep your testicles cool during the day by wearing proper varicocele underwear, not wearing excessively thick pants, no laptop on legs, etc. As well, perform 1–2 cooling treatments per day (especially after physical activity or sex/masturbation). A cooling treatment is when you run cool (Not cold) water over your testicles for 10–15 seconds. More Natural Treatments for Varicocele >
  2. Circulate: Yoga exercises are very helpful for varicocele. One of the best yoga asanas (postures) for varicocele is the feet up on the wall pose. It helps improve testicular blood circulation, this allows the toxicities to be expelled and for new blood to circulate and heal the testicles. More on Yoga for Varicocele >
  3. Antioxidants: When blood does not circulate well, it pools. Pooled blood is toxic. As mentioned earlier, surgery does not treat reflux, it only ligates the varicose veins. So, reflux may persist. Pooled blood has high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which damage the testicles, sperm, sperm DNA, veins, and vein valves. This is partially responsible for varicocele pain, infertility, and swelling symptoms. An antioxidant treatment can help with this. First, increase the amount of antioxidants in your diet: E.g. green tea, berries, grapes, nuts, seeds, dark leafy greens, spices, etc. I also recommend supplementing with the Varico Health Kit, because it combines the best antioxidants herbs/supplements for varicocele pain treatment.
Follow those 3 steps, and I promise that you’ll notice a reduction in your varicocele pain.
You can also learn more on the Varicocele Pain Relief Blog.


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