Does Biking Worsen Varicocele?
Is Biking Bad for Varicocele? Well, at first glance it might seem like like almost all form of physical activity are bad for varicocele. The list includes biking, running, weight lifting, and many other activities—all of them are found to be associated with varicocele in various scientific studies: So, wow, I know, it might feel like you can’t even can't even be active with varicocele ... The science says that jumping activities like basketball or volleyball are associated with varicocele. Same as heavy lifting and high intensity actives (including: Weight lifting, martial arts, football, and many other sports). And we are also not supposed to perform long-distance activities like running or biking! Even daily activities like sitting and standing are associated? Seems like the only safe exercise is this one . Extrapolate from here, and you can rule out almost all forms of physical activity. No wonder we then ask “ Does cycling worsen varicocele? ”, “Can I...