Does Biking Worsen Varicocele?

Is Biking Bad for Varicocele?
Well, at first glance it might seem like like almost all form of physical activity are bad for varicocele. The list includes biking, running, weight lifting, and many other activities—all of them are found to be associated with varicocele in various scientific studies:
So, wow, I know, it might feel like you can’t even can't even be active with varicocele... The science says that jumping activities like basketball or volleyball are associated with varicocele. Same as heavy lifting and high intensity actives (including: Weight lifting, martial arts, football, and many other sports). And we are also not supposed to perform long-distance activities like running or biking! Even daily activities like sitting and standing are associated?
Seems like the only safe exercise is this one. Extrapolate from here, and you can rule out almost all forms of physical activity. No wonder we then ask “Does cycling worsen varicocele?”, “Can I even do pushups?", "Do squats cause varicocele?", and actually, many of us give up the actives we used to love and stop being active all together!
Inactivity is a reasonable conclusion, based on the information that's presented to us.
But, is it really true? Are all activities bad for varicocele? Should you stop being active?
Well, the Science Doesn’t Lie! Exercising the wrong way* really does damage the testicle and worsen varicocele. But, the key is Not inactivity--because that's also unhealthy for your testicles and varicocele. The key is to make exercising less stressful and more therapeutic for varicocele. And, yes, it is possible!
3 Tips: Exercising the Right Way with Varicocele
Tip 1: Keep it CoolYes, keeping your testicles cool is critical when being active. Our testicles are meant to be kept cool (hence being in a sac outside of the body). But, we seem to really love wrapping them out with layers of thick over-heating underwear and pants. Add the heat produced from varicocele and exercising to this, and you have an equation that equals disasters (Varicocele Pain and testicular stress). So, the first step to making exercising more therapeutic is to keep it cool! This is so important that I wrote an entire chapter on Cooling in the Healing Guide! Very, very important! And it helps when corrected.
Tip 2: Diet & Food For VaricoceleNow, I won't go into the details of the best diet for varicocele here, but I will tell you to minimize the Nutcracker Effect, you really need to not workout when bloated or on a full stomach. Also, don't be one of those guys who has protein shakes during workout... Ridiculous! Let the blood direct to the muscles and away from the stomach during workout--else you'll have a recipe for an aggravated stomach and impaired blood drainage from the testicles (increased varicocele swelling).
Tip 3: The Right Underwear, Pants & Belts Now, I'll also quickly say: Don't wear tight pants or belts! Never! Not when working out! Not any other time. Tight waists make it harder for blood to drain from the testicles (and legs--talk about varicose veins). So, don't wear them!
​As they say, save the best for last! The right underwear makes a Huge difference on varicocele swelling and severity--especially during workouts. And no, I'm not talking about jock straps and regular testicle supporters! I'm talking about underwear that's specifically designed to help both keep your testicles cool and provide compression to circulate pooled varicocele blood. I’m talking about proper Testicular Support Underwear.
That’s the idea guys! Make a few specific changes and you’ll notice a big difference. Oh and here are some Blogger Bonus Tips for Biking:
Blogger Bonus Biking Tips:
  • Posture is very important—a speed bike with a high seat and forward and low handle is best for biking. The less vertical you are the better.
  • The right seat also makes a big a big difference—avoid fat cushiony chairs that trap heat.
  • Stretch your tight hips and legs post-biking—Promote & develop good muscle balance and mobility.
  • A quick cool shower after biking long-duration will save your balls.
Now, there are a lot more tips that I can give too! Visit Varicocele Healing to learn a lot more about Varicocele Natural Treatment.


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