Varicocele Natural Treatment

3 Important Varicocele Natural Treatment Tips
Hey guys, I’m the author of The Complete Guide to Natural Healing of Varicocele. This blog post has 3 Import Varicocele Treatment Tips. These aren’t everything, but they’re good enough to help you get some relief from your symptoms.
Varicocele symptoms are caused by varicocele toxic blood pooling. When blood does not circulate well and pools in the testicular veins. Pooled blood damages is toxic; it damages testicles, sperm, sperm DNA, veins, and vein valves. 
varicocele natural treatment

Pooled blood causes 3 major dysfunctions: Testicular overheating, toxin buildup, and ROS (reactive oxygen species) damage.
varicocele natural treatment

3 Important Varicocele Treatments 

These are 3 important treatments for varicocele. These 3 treatments can help reduce varicocele pain, improve fertility, and help reduce varicocele swelling size to a small degree.  Believe me, start with these 3 treatments, and I promise you that you will notice results!

Treatment 1: Cool

  • Run cool water over your testicles for 5-15 seconds once or twice per day
  • Do not use cold water! Lightly cool water is good enough
  • Cooling the general area around your testicles is an effective strategy
Your testicles function optimally at 1-2 degrees bellow normal body temperature. Varicocele breaks down the primary cooling mechanism of the testicles. Therefore cooling is critical to allow the testicles fucntion properly, heal, and treat varicocele pain.
varicocele natural treatment

Treatment 2: Yoga Inversion Asana

  • Put your feet up on the wall for 5-10 minutes at night
  • Ideally do this bottomless and in a cool room
  • Keep your feet spread apart to allow maximum testicular cooling
Putting your feet up on the wall is a great and easy way to alleviate pain after a long and stressful day. This is especially important for you if you sit for many hours a day or are physically active. ​
varicocele natural treatment

Treatment 3: Anti-Oxidants

  • High antioxidant diet: E.g. Berries, citrus fruit, grapes, red wine, green tea, nuts, dark leafy greens, herbs, spices, etc.
  • Antioxidant dietary supplements like the Varico Health Kit are also very helpful.
ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) are chemicals that are healthy and important for cellular function at normal levels. However, men with varicoceles have typically have very high concentrations of ROS in their testicular veins. ROS are the chemicals that cause damage to your sperm, sperm DNA, and vein valves! Therefore it is very critical to fight ROS damage.
varicocele natural treatment

Over 100+ of the Best Treatments for Varicocele

Now, I'm sure you'll get some results from those 3 treatments, but, if you want access to 100+ of the easiest & best natural at home treatments for varicocele, get the Varicocele Healing Guide!


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