Warning, Do Not Have Varicocele Surgery Until You Read This​

Varicocele Surgery: Cutting is not curing

Varicocele Surgery is Not a Cure.

  • You do not return to a normal/healthy baseline post-surgery.
  • Cutting out (ligating) swollen veins is Not curing them, and it does Not address the root-cause of the disease.
  • Adding metal coils or synthetic foams into varicose veins is also Not curing them.
  • Ligation or blockage of veins means fewer veins to circulate blood!
  • Surgical results are questionable, and embolization results are even more questionable.
  • Only 6-14% of those who undergo surgery attain a fertility benefit (that is 1 in 7 men! Not 95%.)
  • Varicocele surgery is ineffective for pain relief.
  • Surgery is a high risk procedure (you're more likely to experience negative side-effect than a benefit!)
​Varicocele severity increases if left untreated, but, this does not mean that surgery is the right treatment option.  Many meta-analysis (combined results from many scientific studies) have found that varicocelectomy and embolization do Not produce statistically significant results [123456].  That means that these procedures are no more effective than observation. As a matter of fact, good clinicians do not recommend varicocele surgery anymore [78910], simply because it does not work. If you won't take my word for it, read the evidence for yourself in this insightful peer-reviewed scientific publication [11].

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