Exercising Causes Varicocele. Here is How:
1. Increase in Testicular Blood Circulation
How it Works: Many sports, physical activities, and exercises increase systemict, intra-abdominal, and testicular blood pressure.
Relevant Sports/Activities: All
Effective Treatments Post-Activity: 3-5 minute cooling treatment (ideally a cool to cold shower), resting, and napping
How it Works: Many sports, physical activities, and exercises increase systemic, intra-abdominal, and testicular blood pressure.
Relevant Sports/Activities:
Jumping sports: E.g., basketball, volleyball, etc.
High-intensity activities: E.g., weight lifting, powerlifting, football, martial arts, etc.
Long-Duration activities: E.g., running, biking, etc.
Over-head activities: E.g., shoulder press, volleyball, basketball, etc.
Effective Treatments Pre- and During-Activity: During exercise: Practice perfect posture, wear fitted (not tight) clothing, avoid eating a big meal pre-workout, avoid ejaculation pre-workout (e.g., sex, masturbation, or porn use)
How it Works: The body naturally heats up during physical activity. Unfortunately, the body heating up also increases testicular temperature. Moreover, friction between the legs and insolation from regular underwear and pants prevent proper heat ventilation.
Relevant Sports/Activities: Long duration activities (jogging, running, biking, cardio machines, cardio exercises, etc.), hot yoga, most sports (especially sports that require specific clothing/attire/uniforms), jockstraps, etc.
Effective Treatments During- and Post-Activity: Make sure to wear proper cooling underwear like Stud Briefs during activity, avoid wearing excessive layers, and choose thinner breathable fabrics and shorts. Post-activity, perform a 2-5 cooling treatment (cold water over testicles or icing) until your testicles feel nice and cool and pull up and tight against your body.
Read the full article here: https://www.varicocelehealing.com/6-ways-exercising-causes-varicocele-treatments.html
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