Yoga for Male Fertility

 The stresses of modern lifestyle seem to be increasing, however, to a greater extent for working men. Along with better management of stress, one can not only help himself to keep the muscle strength and flexibility, but also can improve his reproductive health. Yoga can heal any sexual dysfunction, and thereby increase sexual potency and refine sexual energy. Yoga basically acts as mind-body complementary medicine of male reproductive health by improving health in various ways. Regarding reproductive health, Kundalini Yoga is considered the ultimate yoga by which virility and sexual energy are not suppressed. Pranayama can also be practiced in conjuction with the postures. Kapalabhati is an excellent practice for moving energy into the pelvis and is especially helpful for prostate enlargement, for inflammatory conditions, like prostatitis. Dirgha pranayama or ujjayi breath can help cool and relax the area. In men, practicing moola bandha has been associated with relieving spermatorrhea, preventing inguinal hernia, and controlling testosterone secretion. Kraftsow, clarifies how moola bandha stretches the muscles of the pelvic floor, increases circulation in that area, balances, stimulates, and rejuvenates the area through techniques that increase awareness and circulation. As a result, exercises that utilize moola bandha may be helpful in aiding people who lack sexual vitality and have poor sexual functioning. In numerous sex therapy centers, the practice of moola bandha is used to enhance awareness of genital arousal sensations, and in this way, may be a helpful adjunct for improving sexual desire and arousal. For instance, there is a central pose known as siddhasana in which the practitioner's legs are crossed while seated during which a celibate man can pinch his penis and scrotum with his heels to control his desire. This type of control is considered a highly desirable state to attain for these men choosing celibacy.

Benefits For Fertility

  • Increases blood flow specially in heart and pelvic areas
  • Stimulates the reproductive system directly
  • Reduces level of stress hormone in the blood stream
  • Yoga poses can increase sperm count and quality by getting the blood pumped in the reproductive organ.

Details of practices done in a session of Yoga-based Lifestyle Intervention (YBLI) programme

Therefore, we can say that yoga, triggers neurohormonal mechanisms that reduce stress and anxiety, improves autonomic functions and thus, improves reproductive health. It is fair to conclude that yoga can be beneficial in the prevention of infertility and improve male reproductive health.

Science Sources

  • Petigara, J. M., & Jensen, L. (2012). Yoga and Fertility: A Journey to Health and Healing. Demos Medical Publishing.
  • Sengupta, P., Chaudhuri, P., & Bhattacharya, K. (2013). Male reproductive health and yoga. International journal of yoga, 6(2), 87.
  • Kraftsow G. [Last accessed on 2012 Nov 2]. as quoted at Available from: .


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