Varicocele: Cigarettes -- You need to read this if you smoke!

Cigarette smoking is an excellent example of where doctors and urologists get it all wrong. Take one of my clients for example. He was diagnosed with varicocele, testicular pain, and infertility. Medical professionals told him that his only option for him is surgery.

Think about it, they fully conveyed to him: "There is no other way to improve your fertility and alleviate your pain than surgery." They said there is no other way to improve his fertility and alleviate his testicular pain.

So, he had surgery. He got pain relief for about one month. But, his fertility didn't improve, and soon, he redeveloped varicocele, and his pain symptoms came back more severe than before.

He came to me after a failed surgery and in excruciating pain.
The first thing I did was have him fill out my detailed Varicocele Risk Assessment Form. The assessment is a detailed questionnaire that helps me identify root-cause of varicocele, testicular pain, and infertility.

It turns out that he was smoking 1 pack of cigarettes per day. As soon as I saw this, I told him, he needs to minimize or quit as soon as possible; that it is the reason for his "surgery failed".

I told him smoking was the reason for his pain — that the toxins from smoking had caused and were continuing to causing real damage to his testicles and testicular veins. That there was real and potentially permanent damage to his testicles, fertility, and overall health!

His varicocele and testicular pain had debilitated him. It had affected his sex life. He had completely stopped exercising. He was also just about to quit his job. So, he was willing to do anything.

He was able to quit completely! And, within a week, his pain symptoms started diminishing. And, soon, with the help of additional work on the other root-causes of his varicocele, infertility, and pain, he was able to make a full recovery!

Many of my clients report that even 1 cigarette can cause their varicocele and testicular pain to worsen. We can't put all of the blame on varicocele and dismis the detrimental effects that smoking has on the testicles and testicular veins.

It is a great mistake to fixate only on "varicocele" and ignore the other contributing risks.

​Cigarette smoking is worse for your health and fertility than varicocele. It is also a major contributing factor for varicocele development and severity. If you smoke cigarettes, don't solely blame your pain or infertility on your varicocele.

Many doctors make the error of blaming everything on varicocele (the symptom) and ignoring the root-cause (smoking and other lifestyle risk factors). Don't make the same mistake.

Try the app, it takes smoking into account when building you a personalized treatment program. Some of the treatments also directly and indirectly help assist your smoking cessation. It also builds treatments to help counteract some of the negative effects of smoking on the testicules, sperm, and testiclar veins. So, start with the app now!

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