How do I get rid of grade 1 varicocele?

Grade 1 varicocele is actually relatively easy to get rid of with home treatments.

However, you will need to make some commitment to lifestyle changes, and get the right underwear for varicocele.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Identify and treat the root cause of your varicocele, here is an assessment form to help: Varicocele Risk Assessment
  2. Make sure to buy the right varicocele underwear as it can make all of the difference. Stud briefs are likely the best right now.
  3. From there, make sure to perform regular hip flexor stretches, posture improving exercises, and to go for 30 minute walks every day.
  4. You can also try varico health kits for varicocele. Those are helpful as well.

Those should be enough for you to get rid of your grade 1 varicocele.


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