Don't self-diagnose with varicocele!

Self-diagnosis is a bad idea. Here’s why:

oops I self-diagnosed with varicocele but I hadhy hydrocele... I was anxious for no reason.

1. Some diseases have symptoms similar to varicocele. You, therefore, might miss an urgent disease by assuming that it is varicocele. For instance, you might assume that a painful swelling in the groin is a varicocele while in fact, it is an inguinal hernia.

2. Varicocele often comes with several other underlying issues which you might miss with self-diagnosis. A good example is the impact that varicocele has on fertility and semen parameters. Hence, you probably won’t truly know the full extent to which varicocele has impacted your sperm motility, morphology, count, etc. if you diagnose yourself.

3. Self-diagnosing inevitably leads to inadequate treatment. We already said that you might miss a serious condition that needs treatment. You will also not treat the underlying conditions that might be accompanying the varicocele. Remember that accurate diagnosis is critical for effective treatment.

In summary, a qualified medical practitioner needs to evaluate you and confirm that what you have is indeed varicocele. This way, we can be more certain that we are providing you an effective treatment for your varicocele or infertility and not missing something more urgent. - Varicocele App - Home Treatment for Varicocele - Varicocele Underwear

#varicocele #maleinfertility #azoospermia #varicocelediagnosis


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