
Showing posts from July, 2021

What daily habits cause #varicoceles?

If you study the science, you’ll learn that the following aggravate the nutcracker syndrome, impair blood circulation, and are bad for testicular health: Smoking Alcohol Coffee Poor posture Muscle imbalance Poor diet Constipation & inflammatory bowel conditions Excessive sitting or physical inactivity Lack of cardiovascular exercise High stress & poor coping etc. etc. many many more. One key to varicocele treatment is to identify which ones affect you and correct them. The Varaco Health app assesses your varicocele risk level based on your lifestyle and root-cause risk factors assessment. It uses that info plus AI and machine learning to generate personalized treatments every day until you recover: 

Varicocele & infertility AI treatment assistant

Varicocele & infertility treatment assistant. Artificial intelligence & expert systems generate your personalized treatments. Identify and treat varicocele & infertility at the root cause. Varicocele Root-Cause Assessment & Diagnostics Our AI expert systems will assess you for 370+ identifiable contributors to varicocele and infertility. Analysis from the most cutting edge research Comprehensive root-cause analysis Utilize dynamic systems and AI for optimized accuracy Personalized Treatment Your treatment plan is personalized from our growing database of 500+ of the most effective varicocele treatments. Access daily personalized treatments Get results from the most cutting edge treatments Root-cause treatment & preventative care

How I treated my varicocele without surgery

  How I treated my varicocele without surgery After a ton of research on home treatments for varicocele, I found out that many lifestyle factors, exercises, ad active treatments correlate with varicocele severity as well as testicular health. I found scientific publications on the correlation of constipation and bowel health with varicocele. I read about acupuncture being potentially helpful for varicocele. I learned that the right underwear could be a big difference for varicocele. I noticed that specific exercises like inversions were helpful. After spending a lot of time researching and practicing lifestyle changes, exercises, and active treatments, I noticed really great results. My grade 3 varicocele started to shrink and revert back to normal. My testicular pain--completely cured. And, I noticed that my atrophied left testicle started to become bigger and plumper. What were the most effective treatments that I found over my years of research? Well, I'll get to that in a momen...
What are the best exercises for varicocele? <-- Get a free personalized set of exercises & treatments to follow, every day, until you recover! Your treatment is built from 400+ of the best natural treatments for #varicocele & #maleferility . - #Pushups ? - #Squats ? - #Yoga ? - #Calisthenics ? - #Biking ? - #WeightLifting ? What are the best yoga sequence for varicocele? This app automatically generates #yoga sequences for you to follow for #varicocele treatment and weight loss: ←It’s actually really good lol. Basically, the key poses you want to follow are inversions, nutcracker minimizing, minimal vertical load, posture promoting, etc. How to exercise with varicocele without pain: Follow the precautions on the Exercising with Varicocele blog to minimize any risk from high risk exercises:

Varicocele & Infertility Treatment App (VARICO⌘HEALTH)

Varicocele & Infertility Home Treatment App! AI & Machine Learning for Personalized Treatments: The application generates you a personalized set of treatments for your varicocele/infertility, every day, until you recover.  Sign Up Free!