Is varicocele always progressive?

Yes, in most cases, varicocele is a progressive disease. Why? Because of blood pooling. Blood pooling enlarges and damages the testicular veins, progressively worsening varicocele.

Testosterone is produced in the testicles and reaches the body via blood circulation. However, when the blood leaving the testicles stagnates or refluxes, testosterone pooling occurs. Testosterone is healthy in normal concentrations. However, blood pooling causes 70 fold increase over normal concentrations in the testicular veins and surrounding tissue. Testosterone pooling causes hypertrophy (enlargement) of the testicular veins. Testosterone pooling is, therefore, one major factor that contributes to varicocele worsening with time.

Note: Testosterone pooling from varicocele is a possible contributing factor for prostate enlargement.
Varicocele toxic blood pooling is the second factor that contributes to varicocele progression. Blood pooling is toxic. It increases reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentration, and causes hypoxia, hyperhydration, toxin buildup and lack of nutrient exchange. These factors damage the vein walls and vein valves. Damage to the vein walls causes structural malformation, wall thickening, and reduces the functionality of the vein valves. Damage to the valves directly reduces their capacity to function as a one-way system for circulation. Varicocele toxic blood pooling is, therefore, another major factor that contributes to varicocele worsening with time.

All-in-all, varicocele is a progressive disease, mainly because of the damaging and degenerative effects of testosterone pooling and toxic blood pooling.

Learn how to treat varicocele toxic blood pooling!

stop varicocele progression!


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