Varicocele Treatment PDFs & Blogs

PDFs for Varicocele Treatment

1. Sitting with Varicocele (PDF)

There is no doubt about it, sitting excess of 6 hours a day is a major risk factor for varicocele. However, sitting times are increasing more and more, and many of us sit during commute, and sit for work/school. So, the solution is not necessarily to sit less, but to sit better, and take preventative measures to ensure that your sitting time doesn’t worsen your varicocele, and damage your testicular health.

2. Posture & Varicocele (PDF)

Poor posture pressurizes the torso and prevent the blood leaving the testicles to return naturally back to the heart. This increases blood pooling and causes damage to the testicles and testicular veins. Improving posture is a key component of varicocele treatment. Here is how to improve your posture, specifically as it relates to varicocele, and how to exercise with better posture.

3. Varicocele Home Treatment Guide (4th Edition) (Preview) (PDF)

The Varicocele Home Treatment Guide contains over 100 of the most important varicocele natural treatments. With step-by-step guidelines, it is the most comprehensive varicocele treatment guide.

Blogs for Varicocele Treatment

1. Varicocele Natural Treatment Blog

​​Learn about the most important home treatments for varicocele. Great tips and resources for starting now.

2. Varicocele Pain Relief Blog

Did you know that varicocele pain is an indication that the testicles and testicular veins are being damaged by toxic blood pooling? Find out how to get pain relief naturally, in just 2–4 weeks.

3. Exercising with Varicocele

Did you know that the pressure of exerting during exercise can cause varicocele? Here is what you can do to make it better!

4. Living with Varicocele

Often, poor lifestyle decisions contribute to varicocele development! Find out what you’re doing wrong and how to make it better here.

5. Varicocele Underwear (Very Important)

One of the most important factors to manage when it comes to varicocele is the underwear that you wear. You’d be surprised to know that the supporter your doctor recommended to you might be making your symptoms worse!

6. Varicocele Diet & Natural Treatments​

Did you know that whole grains could be making your condition worse? Learn what the best diet is for varicocele (comprehensive!)

100 Tips for Varicocele Treatment

​​​​​Safe & effective natural treatments for varicocele: Avoid surgery and treat the root-cause of varicocele. Learn about the important lifestyle risk factors, best home-remedies, and healing resources.


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