Varicocele Pain is a Serious Condition!

What Causes Varicocele Pain?

Varicocele pain develops because varicocele toxic blood pooling damages the testicles, testicular veins, and surrounding tissue.
 It should be noted that varicocele toxic blood pooling is also responsible for damage to:
  • Sperm (affecting sperm count, motility, and morphology)
  • Sperm DNA (impairing fertility)
  • Vein valves (increasing varicocele severity)


  • The Testicles
  • Sperm Tail & Head
  • Sperm DNA
  • Testicular Veins
  • Vein Valves
Varicocele pain may come and go, but it is serious condition. It means that varicocele toxic blood pooling is damaging your testicles and the surrounding tissue. This is why there is a sensation of dull aching pain in the testicles.


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