Varicocele Treatment Without Surgery (Varicocele Natural Treatment)

Varicocele Natural Treatment: Can you exercise with varicocele?

Just a quick intro: I’m the author of the Varicocele Natural Treatment guide. I’ve been helping men naturally treat their varicoceles over the past 5 years.
Okay, so the question is: What exercises can you perform with varicocele? And should you avoid any activities?
High intensity, jumping, long-duration activities can be a risk factor for varicocele, but, not because there is something innately wrong with these activities. The reason is typically because of the following:
Visit the Exercising with Varicocele Blog to learn more.
1. Postural Imbalance
Postural imbalances typically worsen the nutcracker effect and increase blood pooling because they pressurize and prevent blood from leaving the testicles to go back to the heart. Always work on improving your posture! This means open up your chest, shoulders, and improve both spinal and hip alignment.
Does improving posture help? Yes. It helps immensely.
2. Hip Flexor Tightness
Hip flexor tightness is a result of excessive sitting, and then a lack of corrective exercises during activity. Hip flexor tightness increases varicocele swelling in a similar manner to the nutcracker effect. It compresses the blood vessels and impairs blood leaving the testicles.
Many people have tight and weak hip flexors and will benefit from regular stretching and strengthening. This helps a specific subset of men.
3. Overheating of the Testicles
When your testicles overheat, your varicocele swelling increases significantly. It is especially important for exercise to maximally cool your testicles. This means wearing proper underwear during exercise, and taking a cool shower after exercise.
4. Poor Technique — Increases Blood Pooling
So, your main concern during exercise is varicocele toxic blood pooling. Varicocele toxic blood pooling results in increased testicular temperature, and toxicity build-up. So, in order to make exercising okay, we must make the right adjustments to both minimize any varicocele toxic blood pooling, and treat any toxicities that arise from it.
Perfecting your exercise technique makes a big difference in preventing varicocele toxic blood pooling. You can read this free article on the topic: POSTURE
while most exercise types are a risk factor for varicocele swelling, and symptoms, there is a lot that you can do to make them more therapeutic and less stressful for varicocele.
Want to treat your varicocele without surgery? Learn mroe about varicocele natural treatment >


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