Varicocele Natural Treatment

Varicocele Natural Treatment

How Long Does it Take for Varicocele Natural Treatment?

Now, there is no exact science to how long varicocele natural treatment takes. I'm basing this on my own results as well as the results of thousands of my clients whom I've personally helped. So, while there is likely lots of variation and some inaccuracy, overall these should be pretty representative results.

Can You Cure Varicocele?

Without treatment, varicocele typically increases in severity with time. Those with higher grade varicocele typically have worse symptoms and more difficulty treating their varicocele. Therefore, it is highly advised to start a treatment as soon as possible.

It must be noted that there is no 100% cure for varicocele at this time:
  • Surgery is not a cure.
  • Embolization is not a cure.
  • Supplements are not a cure.
  • Natural treatments are not a 100% cure.

Varicocele is not 100% curable because the veins are not swollen, they are actually enlarged. The anatomy is altered. This is because when blood pools in the testicular veins, it pools testosterone with it. The tissue surrounding the varicocele has up to 70X higher testosterone saturation. This causes the veins to hypertrophy (this is also responsible for prostate enlargement).

It is therefore imperative to start a treatment as early as possible to prevent varicocele progression and minimize any damage that is done to the testicles from toxic blood pooling.


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