Fertility & Virility (Varicocele Natural Treatment)

Hi Daniel,

Long time, hope you’re doing good.

Just wanted to share my count with you (i know you’re not a professional doctor, but just wanted your opinion).
Worried about the sperm progressiveness and vitality. Are there any exercises that can help me increase that number? I’m regularly swimming to cool them off though (thrice a week).

Also, any updates on the fertility underwear?
Please let me know. Much thanks.

I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. Thanks for messaging me again.

Just to start off, do you have my 4th edition Healing Guide?

When it comes to fertility, there is A LOT you can do. Especially when you take a look at your lifestyle. For example, if you're inactive, exercising more is an obvious booster. Diet is critical. More examples: Stress management, ensuring adequate rest, some specific supplements help, minimizing testicular over-heating, cooling treatments like the ones you're doing help (though I'd recommend it daily), yoga helps, the right underwear makes a big difference, kegels & penis stretching help, having actual sex instead of masturbating helps, minimizing toxicities help (e.g. no smoking, alcohol, drugs, or coffee), and so many more!

Really, when it comes to fertility, there is too much you can do. And when you think about varicocele specifically, then the Healing Guide is your best friend. I'm actually working on the 5th edition now, and here is the organization method I'm using in there, it'll help you get a better grasp of how to apply the guide:

1) Toxic Blood Pooling
For both fertility & pain
- Perform 10 minute inversion
- Perform 2 cooling treatments/day
- Diet high in anti-oxidants (e.g. grapes, berries, nuts, leafy greens, tea, etc.)

2) Lifestyle Changes
Reduce varicocele swelling & improve testicular health
- Minimize stress from activity
- Sit with good posture
- Make sure to minimize stress from physical activity (read Fitness & Exercises Chapter)
- Maintain good bowel health
- Minimize stress
- Proper underwear
- Normalize testicular temperature throughout the day & at night

3) Therapeutic Treatments
Speeds up healing and improves fertility
- Perform yoga
- Be phsycailly active
- Very good night's rest

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions, I'm here to help.


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