Varicocele Natural Treatment Without Surgery WORKS (Q & A)



I really recommended your book to my friends and I really started to see improvements im not lying , but I do have a question, Ihave read that there are some cases that varicocele is caused by an underlying cause, i.e that means that if that cause vanishes, everything turns out allright,  and logicially thats the main reason why varicocele reocurs after surgery, Im healthy, do sports, do normal wightlifting, walk a lot,eat healthy , I had constipation in the past but thats not the cause because I never had a problem with that, not even a pressure,  after that injury I started to see som bulging veins in the scrotum, but it wasnt something to be concerned about,

Now thinking in a more rational way, I wanted to ask you , I do know that you maybe have an extra knowledge about varicocele more than doctors actually, Could it be? If the spine if making pressure from inside that means that even other things are actually making pressure in the veins is it so ?
When I scretch myself, the vein vanishes , could it just be? If I align my spine, can the varicocele vanish?

If that is the case, trust me I would be the happiest man alive!



***** well, yes posture is a major risk factor for varicocele. So is constipation.

Well, I wouldn't say that your spine is making pressure from the inside so much as the hyperlordotic lumbar spine pushes the abs out and turns them off, so you get a saggy outpushed belly. It also makes your shoulders slouch, and messes up your weight distribution--so that the weight goes into the abdominal organs instead of being positioned on the skeleton and muscles.

So, yes, it is a risk factor. Correcting it does make a difference. However, I would urge you to also consider the rest of the things that I recommend in the book. I've had many clients such as yourself, however, focusing on only one risk factor won't give you as good results.

Here is a good way to look at varicocele natural treatment:
1) Toxic Blood Pooling
Alleviates symptoms & pain.
- Perform 10 minute inversion
- Perform 2 cooling treatments/day (Warning! Do Not overcool your testicles)
- Diet high in anti-oxidants

2) Lifestyle Changes
Prevents varicocele progression, and reduces varicocele swelling size.
- Sit with good posture
- Improve your posture
- Make sure to minimize stress from physical activity (read Fitness & Exercises Chapter)
- Maintain good bowel health
- Get the varicocele underwear that I'm manufacturing -- it makes a real, big difference

3) Therapeutic Treatments
Aids in overall treatment process.
- Perform yoga
- Acupuncture
- Very good night's rest

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any more questions, I'm here to help.

Download the Varicocele Healing Guide:

+ Learn Proper Testicular Care
+ Treat Varicocele Toxic Blood Pooling
+ Correct Controllable Varicocele Risk Factors
+ Perform Therapies to Stimulate Healing



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