Why do veins show up so much in muscular people?

Q: I noticed some guys have more than others. I am just starting weights and would prefer the non vein look, but also have varicocele and was wondering weightlifting could aggravate the issue.

A: It's your lucky day because I actually wrote this beautiful book here on varicocele natural treatment:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1514124459/

I wrote an entire chapter on how to make exercising less stressful and more and more therapeutic for varicocele.
So to answer your question, YES, weight lifting does effect varicocele. But it is for an entirely different reason than why weight lifting makes your veins more visible! Think of weight lifting as just another risk factor for varicocele(I have listed maybe 30 different risk factors in my book?)
You can think of varicocele as being similar to hemorrhages. It's caused by pressure pushing against weakened veins.
So, what can you do? Well, you can visit my varicocele blog and learn a ton more, or you can support theVaricocele Natural Treatment Initiative

 and get my book :) . But, enough self-promotion. Here are 3 great tips to keep in mind when weight lifting:

  • NEVER EVER EVER EVER do heavy weight lifting on a full stomach or when bloated. This massively aggravates the nutcracker effect and swells your varicocele like crazy.
  • Keep your scrotum and testicles COOL! That will help pull your testicles up and toward your body (which naturally happens during exercise--but it will enhance the effect). When your testicles are pulled up, they have less room to swell.
  • DO NOT WEAR TIGHT WAIST LINES! That pressurizes the lower abdominal area, and swells your varicocele. It also impairs blood flow from your testicles to your heart (more varicocele swelling).
ANYWAY, I hope that helps you out to some degree buddy! ;) Feel free to PM me if you want more help! Don't forget you can learn a lot more by visiting my varicocele natural treatment website

Download the Varicocele Healing Guide: http://www.varicocelehealing.com/#buy

+ Learn Proper Testicular Care
+ Treat Varicocele Toxic Blood Pooling
+ Correct Controllable Varicocele Risk Factors
+ Perform Therapies to Stimulate Healing

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