Varicocele Yoga Home Remedies

Hi V,
I noticed you're trying to help people who have a varicocele, well I have it and I'm asking your advice.
First of all I practice yoga as you do, I'm not an expert but I practice everyday at least once to live a painfree life, and if yoga could improve my condition regarding "that area" I wouldn't be surprised.
Please could you tell me, what kinds of help you offer, I know you wrote an ebook and I am interested in it, and if you have any other advice I'm all ears.
I thank you for your attention and I look forward to hearing from you.
Have a nice day

[–]to *** sent 
Anonymous, thanks for contacting me. I appreciate the complements.
Yes, Yoga is good to some degree for varicocele.
Inversion poses are probably the most important part that you need to know. Inversions help because a major problem with varicocele is pooled blood. Inversions help drain the pooled blood out of the varicocele and temporary restore normal blood circulation. In short, this helps reduce pain, normalize fertility, and help minimize stress on the testicles & veins. Oh and it helps restore normal temperature to the testicles as well.
There are two other important benefits for practicing yoga. First, it helps improve bowel & digestive health. Second, it helps reduce stress and help the body enter a healing state. Bowel & digestive health is directly linked to varicocele development and severity. Poor bowel & digestive health both worsens the Nutcracker Effect and pressurizes the lower abdomen (increasing pressure on the veins draining from the testicles).
Yoga is also a Non-Vertical Loading Exercise and has many laying down and inverted poses which make it an ideal supplement to normal strength training. As well, it Can* (not necessarily) help bring better posture and muscular balance if done properly.
That's just a brief overview of the benefits of Yoga for Varicocele.
From what I've learnt, healing varicocele is largely a matter of developing healthier lifestyle habits, learning proper testicular care, and mitigating the risk factors that you can control that either pressurize the torso, exacerbate the nutcracker effect, or cause inflammatory (swelling) conditions to occur.
Every case is very different. For example, one of my clients didn't notice any results until he began managing his chronic digestive problem. Another one of my clients notice amazing results in 2 weeks, but he did only had some basic risk factors that he needed to address.
I hope that helps! Please let me know if you have any further questions, I'm here to help!


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