Does Varicocele Treatment Enhance Fertility?

Some specialists believe that fertility can be affected by a varicocele in men. There's limited evidence when a guy with poor sperm quality and a palpable varicocele has operation, the probability of their partner could improve.

Most couples who are trying for kids will triumph within a couple of years. They are thought to have low fertility in case it takes them more. That doesn't mean that the couple cannot have kids at all - it could take more for the woman to eventually become pregnant naturally. But of course plenty of couples need to know exactly what the reason might be.

You can find a lot of items which may affect fertility - in just among the couple or in both. Yet sometimes no cause can be found after a lot of testing, and that could be very distressing.

Varicocele as a possible cause of low fertility

There is some evidence that varicocele can cause lowfertility in men. But there is no conclusive scientific evidence on fertility might actually affect. Some experts think the standard of the sperm is then lower as well as that circulation in the testicles is poorer. When the temperature is not too low it may affect sperm production.


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