Well I think when trying to answer this question, it is important to know that BOTH ARE SURGICAL OPERATIONS. Both involve a general anesthetic. Both involve an incision. Both involve killing of the varicose veins. The effectiveness of both operations are the exact same. One or two publications may state that the embolization surgical method is better, but on an average, there is no real difference.

So, next time, when you come across a crazy bias website like this http://www.bsir.org/patients/varicoceles/ that makes embolization sound like a new & magical non-surgical treatment option for varicocele, you should think twice! The $10,000 sale per operation makes being bias and telling lies very valuable for these companies.

It is funny that they also state that surgery cures pain in 90% of patients--which is results from just one study. It is completely false. Actually varicocele surgery is not recommended by surgeons as a form of treatment for varicocele pain, simply because the evidence actually shows that it is NOT effective.

I obviously promote natural treatments. It is interesting to note that nearly everyone that undergoes my natural treatments that have zero risk and zero cost notices a reduction in pain in as little as 1 week, and completely alleviates their varicocele pain in just 1 month. The treatments that I recommend are all about learning to improve your vein and testicular health. I bet no one ever taught you that, and I bet your surgeon will  never teach you that.

You can learn more about my varicocele natural treatments without surgery with by visiting my website: www.varicocelehealing.com. You can also learn more about varicocele surgery by visiting my blog: http://www.varicocelehealing.com/blog.


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