
Showing posts from September, 2021

What causes testicular varicocele?

What causes varicocele? Unlikely to be "genetically faulty" valves. Nutcracker syndrome causing varicocele. The popular belief is that faulty vein valves disrupt normal blood flow and pool blood in the pampiniform plexus veins, stretching them and causing varicocele to develop. However, this is a very old and outdated theory. Since then, many advancements have been made to varicocele theory; scientists have found many other explanations for varicocele development. These explanations mainly involve increase in blood pressure, impairment of blood flow, and impaired healing. Therefore, contrary to the popular belief, varicocele is a complex and multidimensional disorder, and there are many risk-increasing factors for its development. Do not buy into the idea that varicocele is a genetic disorder! You are not born with malfunctioning valves. Rather, your valves function fine, however, after they are put under excessive stress, they begin to “malfunction”. That sounds like lifesty...

How Does Varicocele Affect You? What are the Side Effects?

Pooled blood in the varicocele (testicular veins) damages the veins and testicle by causing vein swelling and hypersensitivity, heat stress, hyper-hydration, oxidation, toxin build-up, hypoxia, and impaired nutrient exchange. The major side effects of varicocele are pain, decreased fertility, scrotal sag, testicular shrinkage, and impaired testosterone. Many men also experience some of the following symptoms: Embarrassment, gynecomastia, stress and anxiety, erectile dysfunction, weak or quickly lost erections, low sex drive, decreased masculinity, low motivation, reduced muscle tone, infertility, increased estrogen, and an enlarged prostate. Treat varicocele at home, without surgery:

Embolization & Varicocelectomy "High Rate of Success".

#Varicocelectomy "High Rate of Success". “High Rate of Success”: Here is something that I find absurd: Many infertile couples are advised that surgery has a “high rate of success”, and they go for it thinking that they’ll have a successful pregnancy. But, really, they’re ill-advised. It’s important to ask “success at what?” Turns out that the word “success” has absolutely nothing to do with pregnancy—it simply means that the procedure was successful at removing the veins without causing major damage. Now, imagine telling that to an infertile couple who are have committed to dish out $15,000, and undergo the surgical risks—with their main goal being successful pregnancy... Here is the correction again: The best results for surgery state that for every 7 men who undergo surgery, only 1 additional pregnancy is attained. That’s 14%. The natural conception rate of infertile couples over a year is 34%, with varicocele surgery, these same couples will have a 37% to 38% chance of suc...

The Gandhi of Varicoceles: We will free you from your varicocele!!!

How did Gandhi help India? Well, we're doing the same for your balls.. Start your treatment now!!!! Start Now!!! We are getting CRAZY varicocele treatment results. You may as well call us the Jesus of ballz! Data just in: The VaricoHealth App reduces grade 3 varicoceles by 60% in just 27 days...! It also reduces pain symptoms by 90% over 70 days...! The data demonstrates that the VaricoHealth App is the most effective treatment program that has ever existed for varicocele. This is a truly ground-breaking day. So, why would you wait? The app is still free. It's literally the best answer to varicocele disease. Start your treatment now!!!! Start Now!!!  

What can I do if I have a very low sperm count, motility, and morphology...


Dark chocolate & varicocele. Is caffeine bad?

I think of it as risks vs benefits. The health benefits of dark chocolate outweigh the associated risks. The health benefits of dark chocolate's phytonutrients, antioxidants & anti-inflammatories provide higher health benefits than the risks associated with the added sugar and caffeine.⁠ Dark chocolate, therefore, in moderation, is likely slightly beneficial for varicocele.⁠ The same applies to green tea. 2-3 cups of green tea per day is likely beneficial for varicocele because it provides vein-protective effects. The health benefits outweigh the associated risks of its caffeine content.⁠ Green tea, therefore, in moderation, is likely beneficial for varicocele.⁠ Note that everyone does have a different reaction to dietary intake of foods, therefore don't treat these as rigid rules.