Varicocele: How to Pass Your Military Test!

View Full Article Here: Passing Military Examination Only Few Days Until Medical Examination! Well, ideally, you would have more than a few days, and would follow the process outlined in this guide. If you only have a few days, here is what you can do in the few days leading up to, and the day of your examination to maximize your chances of passing the exam! Minimizing Varicocele to Pass Military Medical Exam Cold shower Drink ice water right before exam. Super cool your body. Scrotum will pull up, and they won't be able to diagnose it lol. improtant to manage well. No masturbation or porn minimum 2 days prior. Day of your exam, make sure to rest well--minimum 8 hours of sleep, make sure to cool your scrotum before you go in, make sure it doesn't over-heat when you're there, don't eat minimum 5-7 hours prior to going in. When sitti...