Varicocele & Physical Activity

HOW TO BE ACTIVE WITH VARICOCELE VARICOCELE: HOW TO EXERCISE WITHOUT PAIN You've been there--you go to the gym, weight lift or exercise, and leave with a massively swollen lump of swollen testicle veins. There are several major problems, one is that you exert when exercising. Now, you can't stop exerting just because you have a varicocele, you need to stay fit and become stronger! So, what's the solution? Exertion creates excessive abdominal pressure, pushing down and preventing blood in the testicular veins from returning to the heart. This pools blood. Pooled blood is toxic blood. It is oxidizing, and poisonous, and it also prevents your testicles from cooling. Pooled blood damages both the veins and testicles causing pain, infertility, lower testosterone production, testicular shrinkage, and a whole host of other symptoms. So, it is critically important to minimize blood pooling, improve blood circulation, minimize excessive blood flow to the t...