COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW: A review of the literature for the scientific bases of varicocele natural treatment, specifically focused on Male Infertility. Acuupuncture is found to be more effective than varicocele surgery at treating male factor infertilty caused by varicocele. Accupunture is a low risk procedure, less costly, and has many health beneftis. In contrast, surgery has well over a 20-30% complication rate and leads to insignificant or modest improvements in fertility. It should however be noted that neither surgery nor accupuncture are a 100% cure for varicocele. There is no 100% cure at this time, we do however have many treatments that can help address the controllable varicocele risk factors . SCIENCE SOURCE: http://www.ajandrology.com/article.asp?issn=1008-682X;year=2016;volume=18;issue=3;spage=410;epage=418;aulast=Yao Download the Healing Guide: http://www.varicocelehealing.com/#buy Now on Amazon! https://amazon.com/dp/1514124459 THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO NATURAL HE...