
Showing posts from November, 2020
Image Failed Varicocele Surgery (Horror Story)   ​I've had many clients with horror stories. Recently one that made me very upset was when I was contacted by a teenager from India. He was a 19-year-old boy. He had already undergone 3 operations: Two surgeries and one embolization. And guess what: He didn't even have pain before his first operation, but now, he has permanent pain. Unfortunately, I told him that I likely can't help him. These procedures have risks and developing permanent, chronic pain is possible. I gave him a copy of my books and yoga series for free and offered to advise him in his treatment--free of charge. My treatments are helpful for those who have previously undergone surgery, but, 3 operations at 19? Who knows how it will go.​ ​Maybe you should start by  assessing your lifestyle, environmental and physiological risk factors --not at a surgeon that makes over $10,...